One of the habits I took up from my partner is to organise a special outing on my birthday, instead of spending the whole day as if it were a normal working day.
Sainte-Madeleine, facade
One of the things I had on my list for a long time was Vézelay. We had been there twice, once in 2004 and once in 2007. Strangely enough I had only 5 (five!) pictures of Vézelay in my archives, which given the fact that I have never been shy when it comes to shooting lots of pictures is very strange, to say the least. The church obviously had not made an unforgettable impression on me. Reason enough to drive for two and a half hours to renew the acquaintance. In view of the long trip we headed off quite early, hence we were in time in Vézelay to attend the mass, which was sung utilizing Gregorian chants.
Sainte-Madeleine, narthex |
A one hour mass was a bit too much for me; after 10 minutes I disappeared in order to have a good look at
the exterior of the basilica and at
the narthex. After half an hour I was joined by my partner, and together we admired
the capitals of the narthex. By the time the mass was over we decided to go for lunch, and after having eaten we wandered through
the mediaeval streets back to the basilica.
Sainte-Madeleine,interior |
There we had ample time to view
the inside of the church and
the beautiful capitals. Unfortunately the crypt was temporarily closed for maintenance, and it would only be re-opened in a couple of weeks. Why I ever had considered this church to be not very interesting became a bigger riddle with each view and each new capital I saw…. Well, to err is human, is not it?
Sainte-Madeleine,capitel |
In the meantime the
Musée de l'oeuvre Violet Le-Duc had opened its doors. The museum hosts a number of original capitals of which a copy is installed in the church itself (however, the basilica has an immense number of original capitals). This museum turned out to be very interesting as well.
La Cordelle |
After the basilica we wandered off to find a chapel located just outside the walls of Vézelay,
La Cordelle or La Chapelle de Sainte-Croix. The path to the chapel came past the spot where a cross was erected in memory of the call to arms for the second crusade by Bernard of Clairvaux in 1146.
Monument Bernard of Clairvaux |
Although Vézelay turned out to be very interesting indeed, we decided that it was time to go home, after a long trip, an exhaustive visit to basilica and museum and another long trip in store. Well, go home…
Saint-Père, Notre Dame |
Bourgogne Romane I had received a clue saying that Saint-Père boasted an interesting Gothic church, something not very common in Burgundy. And since we passed through Saint-Père on the way back, why not make a brief stop there? Between the parking area where we had abandoned the car and the
Notre-Dame we bumped into the remains of an old Romanesque church, the
Saint-Père, Saint-Pierre |
This day out had been a great success; pity only, that the crypt had been closed….
Click here for the website of
La Tuilerie de Chazelle.